
Whom can I contact from the Path2Work team if I have any questions?
Contact Center
For questions and comments, please use our contact form. You can also reach us by:
Research Team
ETH Zürich
Immigration Policy Lab
Leonhardshalde 21
8092 Zürich

Google Maps

More help

Who should I contact if I need help with Path2Work?

You can find our contact details on top of this page.

Where can I find an overview of contact points for integration in the cantons and cities?

Cantonal and local contact points can help with questions about integration, language and work. You can find an overview of such contact points on the website of the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration.

Where can I find information on registering for public employment services?

If you are looking for a job, you should register with the Regional Employment Centers (RAV). You can find the most important information on registration at There you can also find out how to contact other public institutions (see here).

I have a professional qualification from abroad. How can my qualifications be recognized in Switzerland?

You can find all relevant information on the website of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (see here).

Who should I contact if I need help on other matters?

The purpose of the Path2Work platform is to support you in finding a job. If you need help in any other way, other institutions are better equipped to help you:

  • If you have questions about the asylum process or asylum system.

    The Swiss Refugee Council offers legal consultation hours. You can visit their website at or contact them by phone (+41 31 370 75 99, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.)

  • If you need housing, food or health care.

    Contact your cantonal office of the Swiss Red Cross. For more information or contact details, see

  • If you have suicidal thoughts.

    You can contact Heart2Heart by phone (0800 143 000, 6-11pm every day) who provide crisis support in English or consult their website at